Take out trash

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

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How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Buy some milk

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Feed the cat

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Wash the dishes

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Do Laundry

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Call grandma

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.

Clean water tank

How many times i need to tell you to take out trash. You are an idiot. Start working.